Lots of the research on health system performance touches on the meaning of readiness and resilience and how they look in practice. What is often overlooked is how we can go about practically achieving these things so that we can deliver high-quality care to the people who need it.

When health systems are ready to respond to evolving evidence and population needs, they can adapt quickly and are more likely to be resilient to shocks, such as pandemics and natural disasters. Health systems that achieve this are also in a better place to provide high-quality patient care. However, the difficulty of transforming research into practical health system improvements means that this remains a major stumbling block.

We need to use practical tools to support efficient and equitable care delivery and drive evidence-based system changes. One example is assessment frameworks, which can help us not only understand what questions to ask when evaluating our health systems but also make sure that the data collected are of a high enough quality to inform system changes.

Our joint webinar with the European Health Management Association will focus on how we ensure that the research being conducted is having an impact on our health systems. Experts who have worked to get health systems ready for a number of innovations will share their experiences with the aim of inspiring others to translate findings into action.

You can register for this event here; we hope to see you there.